Putting your foot down

A lot has been going on recently, especially with the hubsy’s PhD!  He put his foot down with his advisor saying that he only has a little bit of time left in the US before he MUST return to Turkey, PhD or no PhD, and he has no time for classes!  His advisor was shocked, expecting many more years out of the hubster before he could graduate.  Well, long story short, it seems that he is done with classes after this term! YAY!

Also, he took his qualifies (the exam that means you can continue your PhD studies…like a GRE for PhDs) and PASSED! Alhamdulillah!

These are all the things that we were looking for as signs that his PhD is attainable and we should stay after I graduate this coming summer. Inshallah it all works out! Sorry I can’t be more detailed, I have to study for an exam. I hope my next post will be as happy!